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Noticias Enero 24, 2010

100 conversaciones sobre emprendimiento en YouTube

careeroverview. Ya
sea que ya disfrutes de una exitosa carrera como empresario o
estés comenzando a terminar, estas conversaciones ofrecen un montón de
información para mejorar tu papel en el negocio.
la identificación de lo que hace que un empresario sea exitoso a consejos
para quienes se inician por su cuenta, y mucho más para profundizar sobre temas
de negocios, hay una gran cantidad de información aquí en YouTube. Sigue…

La constitución de los emprededores

los rasgos de los empresarios de éxito si se nace o se hace a la
importancia de la innovación, estos videos describir la encarnación de
los empresarios.

  1. Entrepreneurs can change the world. This inspirational video touches on traits of entrepreneurs and how they work to make the world a better place.
  2. Skills of Great Entrepreneurs. Randy Komisar talks about the skills essential for being a successful entrepreneur.
  3. The Art of Relationships. See what this business school student says about starting your own business based on her own experience with entrepreneurship.
  4. Lessons Learned from Failures. Randy Komisar supports this idea that failure is to be expected and is actually an important stepping stone to success.
  5. Entrepreneurship. Listen to what Debbie Ducic of GutZy Women has to say about what makes a successful entrepreneur.
  6. The Call of the Entrepreneur. Watch this trailer for a documentary to see some of what an entrepreneur is.
  7. The Most Important Lessons Learned as An Entrepreneur. Ryan Allis discusses what he has learned about becoming an entrepreneur.
  8. Silicon Valley and the culture of entrepreneurship.
    This panel discussion talks about the different business cultures
    around the world and how it changes the face of entrepreneurship.
  9. Entrepreneurship & Success: What does it take?. Hear from these entrepreneurs on what it takes to become a successful entrepreneur.
  10. What is Entrepreneurship?. Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw gives a simple, yet effective, definition of what an entrepreneur is.
  11. Are entrepreneurs born or made?.
    Several entrepreneurs discuss whether entrepreneurs are born or made as
    well as some traits of these successful business people.
  12. Professor Bird on Entrepreneurship 1. Professor Bird from Kogod School of Business shares what she sees as common personality traits of entrepreneurs.
  13. Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Special Topics – Web 2.0.
    Douglas Engelbart, the creator of such technology as the mouse and
    windows in computers, discusses the importance of innovation in

Entrepreneurship and Education

Many entrepreneurs got their start with a business school education.
See what these videos have to say about the connection between the two.

  1. What is Entrepreneurship?.
    This college professor defines entrepreneurship and discusses how the
    school where he teaches can help entrepreneurs through education.
  2. – Seven questions about entrepreneurship.
    Professor Andrew Zacharakis talks about entrepreneurship in general as
    well as some of the work done at Babson College in reference to
    teaching entrepreneurship.
  3. Eugene M. Lang Entrepreneurship Center: Critical to Launch. These entrepreneurs discuss the importance of networking at business school to getting their business started.
  4. Teaching Entrepreneurship. Examine the idea of teaching entrepreneurship by exploring this story about teenaged entrepreneurs.
  5. Entrepreneurship in the Classroom. See what Adjunct Professor Jack Kaplan has to say about teaching entrepreneurship.
  6. Will Price – Chief Executive Officer, Widgetbox. Price talks about being in business school as well as his experience as both an entrepreneur and leader in business.
  7. Kellogg: Entrepreneurship is in Your Future. Alumni of Kellogg discuss the benefits of an entrepreneurship program for future entrepreneurs.
  8. ARTS: Entrepreneurship and the Future of the Music Industry.
    Professor Ken Lopez says that future musicians will also need to be
    entrepreneurs and is an important area of study while in school.

Starting Out

Get great advice for when you are just starting out on your own.

  1. Advice to Entrepreneurs: Trust Your Instincts. David Avery talks about the importance of new entrepreneurs following their instincts.
  2. Making the perfect first impression.
    Listen to the stories this entrepreneur tells of how she worked to make
    a good impression despite being short of all the necessary amenities
    for doing business.
  3. How to Raise Capital: The #1 Skill of an Entrepreneur. Designing a business that can bring in money is more important than what you are selling.
  4. Friends and family – the first source of capital. Bela Katrak talks about getting small donations and loans from friends and family to get a business off the ground.
  5. Pooling in finances. The director of Director of Café Coffee Day discusses persistence in gathering enough money for starting your business.
  6. Inadequate Funds, Business Mistake. Listen to this attorney explain how many entrepreneurs underestimate the amount of capital they need.
  7. Women entrepreneurs – dealing with gender-bias.
    Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw talks about how being a young woman entrepreneur in
    the biotechnology industry created additional challenges she overcame.
  8. Importance of a Business Plan. Learn why having a business plan is essential.
  9. How to Write a Business Plan. Learning how to write a business plan is the next step.
  10. Starting a Business Goals, Costs. This management consultant details important goals to set when starting a business.
  11. Five Biggest Mistakes That Entrepreneurs Make. Make sure you know which mistakes to avoid when starting out on your own.
  12. Entrepreneurs Moonlighting, Don’t Quit Your Day Job. It might be smart to keep your day job when first starting out. Find out why.

On Leadership

Being a good leader can be a crucial part of the success of your
company. Find out how you can nurture that part of your personal

  1. Critical Moments in Leadership: Changing the Rules.
    This panel discussion hosted by Professor Laura Cardinal examines the
    way effective leaders respond during critical moments that can affect
    the future of a business.
  2. Colin Turner – Entrepreneurial Leadership. Turner speaks on the importance of entrepreneurs to deliver leadership and value in business.
  3. Business Education & Mentoring -What type of leader are you?. Decide how you want to lead when you see these two types side-by-side.
  4. Scott Blanchard – Two Types of Leadership. This video teaches about strategic and operational leadership and how they affect a business.
  5. Ram Charan Corporate Keynote Lecture. Ram Charan discusses tips on what makes a great leader in the field of business.
  6. Principles of Leadership. The best people to learn from are those already successful as leaders. Hear what a few have to say here.
  7. Business Management During Economic Downturn – Bloomberg. The chairman and CEO of Union Pacific shares tips on how to wisely manage a business during challenging economic times.
  8. The Importance of Urgency. John Kotter explains his theory of urgency and why leaders should incorporate it.
  9. Leadership Interviews. Watch as several entrepreneurs in the San Francisco Bay area discuss what they believe makes a leader successful.
  10. Apprentice 4 – Business Tips Part 1. Get leadership and business tips from Donald Trump from season four of The Apprentice condensed into this video.


Becoming a successful negotiator means ensuring you get what you
need for your business. Watch these videos to learn how to sharpen your

  1. NLP – Are You Selling or Negotiating?. Learn the difference between selling and negotiating so you know when to perform the right action.
  2. Negotiation Skills: Dealing With Difficult Issues. Get the person across the table out of the crossed-arms position to help your negotiations.
  3. Negotiation. Listen as Professor Berman shares his insight on negotiations.
  4. Interview with Negotiation Expert, Eric Henry. Eric Henry breaks down the process of negotiation and describes how it relates to the study of the brain.
  5. Effective Business Negotiations. Brian J. Dietmeyer, CEO of Think! Inc., shares the basics of negotiations.
  6. Negotiations Course Part One. Based on the book Negotiate to Close, this video shares the basics of negotiation.
  7. Prof. Deepak Malhotra Harvard Business School. Listen to what this Harvard professor has to say about negotiation techniques.
  8. Cross-cultural negotiations: Avoiding the pitfalls. Professor Horacio Falcao discusses understanding cross-cultural negotiations.
  9. NEGOTIATION The art of survival & craft of winning. Get the basics and how to make negotiation work for you here.
  10. Stories #1 – To close the deal, you need to negotiate face-t. This video addresses why negotiation is often best done in person.
  11. Comparing American and Chinese Negotiation Styles. The founder of Negotiation-International discusses negotiations between American and Chinese businesses.
  12. The Culture of Deal Making. Get examples of negotiating styles from a few specific countries in this video from PharmaVentures.
  13. Active Listening. Professor Jeffrey Berman discusses improving listening skills to become a more effective negotiator.


Marketing your business is how you will get the word out, so make sure you know how to do so successfully.

  1. Seth Godin: Sliced bread and other marketing delights. Learn from this entrepreneur why some ideas work better for getting consumer attention than others.
  2. Marketing Strategy – The Product Lifecycle. Get a handle on the concept of the product lifecycle so you can apply it to your product.
  3. 4 Secrets to an Effective Strategic Marketing Plan. Learn about strategic marketing so you can better promote your company.
  4. Business Education – Your are your brand. Watch this video that aligns marketing with a guy trying to meet a woman.
  5. Market Analysis – Market Segmentation. Find out about market segmentation and why it should matter to you.
  6. The Simple Truth of Service. Customer loyalty means repeat customers. Learn how to build your customer loyalty here.
  7. Michael Port – small business marketing coach –. Port describes ways to talk up your business.
  8. Customer Relationship Management and Direct Marketing (CRM). Patrick Dixon used real examples to describe the idea of Customer Relationship Management.
  9. Positioning: How to Stand Out in a Cluttered Market. Discover how you can make your business stand out by being known for one awesome thing.
  10. Fundamental Marketing Terms & Concepts (part 1). This video shares basic marketing terms for those just starting out.
  11. short-history-of-marketing.
    Watch the progression of marketing through the years and find out how
    consumers can feel overwhelmed and isolated by marketing.
  12. 51 Cool Marketing Advertising Ideas. Watch this montage that includes 51 outstanding marketing campaigns.
  13. Speech by Professor Bernd Schmitt. This professor from Columbia Business School delivers a lecture on the CEM Platform.

Global and Social Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship that affects society as a whole all around the
world is catching the eye of many in the business world. Find out more
about it here.

  1. “Social Entrepreneurship” – Ashoka’s Bill Drayton speaks…. Drayton talks about entrepreneurs who make important social changes around the world.
  2. Key Traits of Social Entrepreneurs. Learn what traits successful social entrepreneurs have in this interview with John Elkington.
  3. Entrepreneur Professor Mark Ahn. Ahn discusses how entrepreneurs can make social change much more easily than big businesses.
  4. The Role of Markets in Addressing Social Problems. Professor Bruce Usher discusses the role of markets in addressing social problems, including sustainability.
  5. Can a “Green” Business Also be a Profitable One?. The CEO of Stoneyfield Farm discusses how a business can be both green and profitable.
  6. “Green Technology Entrepreneurship and Innovation” with Michael Lenox. Lenox discusses clean technology, innovation, and the drive behind entrepreneurship in green technology.
  7. Starting a Business : Making a Green Business. The founder of Sweet Leaf Tea describes how to start a business using ecologically sound resources.
  8. Vinod Khosla on “The Innovation Ecosystem” – Haas School. Vinod Khosla shares his thoughts on the future of green business.
  9. Andrew Shapiro discusses Green Business.
    Shapiro, founder and CEO of Green Order, explains that green businesses
    are ahead of other businesses in growth for the future.
  10. C.K. Prahalad: “Doing Well by Doing Good”. Professor Prahalad describes how businesses are microfinancing citizens of developing countries with success for all involved.
  11. Richard Branson talks about Global Entrepreneurship Week and why he thinks entrepreneurs really can change the world small. Branson talks about how entrepreneurs can change the world in conjunction with non-profits, business, and others.
  12. Entrepreneurship in Africa Master Class: The Team Meets to Discuss Financial Strategies.
    Students at Columbia Business School and members from financial
    institutions talk about their entrepreneurial venture in The Peacock
    Hotel in Tanzania.
  13. Social Enterprise in India. The students at Columbia are also involved in India. Learn about their business ventures in this video.
  14. Muhammad Yunus: Doing Well by Doing Good.
    Dr. Yunus talks about a US-based microcredit program that strengthens
    the global economy by helping people pull themselves out of poverty.
  15. The 2008 Index of Economic Freedom. This video provides an overview of many countries around the world and their economic freedom ranking.
  16. Global Economics – Global Capital Market: Risks and Rewards. Find out how the world economy has become integrated and the implications of this integration.
  17. Global Economics – Global Exchange: Free Trade & Protection. Watch this video to learn about how international trade has grown over the past 35 years and its effects.
  18. Global Economics – Global Resources: Management and Competition.
    Examine the history of the distribution and exploitation of global
    resources and get tips for managing resources in the future.
  19. Global Business Tips: Germany.
    The Executive Vice President of Audi of America talks about the nature
    of German business people and how best to conduct business with them.

Hear from Entrepreneurs

Learn about how these entrepreneurs started, where they are going,
and what they have to offer when it comes to starting out on your own.

  1. Sunil Bharti Mittal on Entrepreneurship. Learn how this entrepreneur started with just $1500 and is now head of the $5 million Bharti Group in India.
  2. Strategic Management: Routes to Entrepreneurship Through Acquisition. Four entrepreneurs share their experiences acquiring small businesses as a path to entrepreneurship.
  3. Donald Trump: Thought on Entrepreneurs. Hear a few thoughts from one of the most well-recognized entrepreneurs.
  4. Bill Gates at Salon Des Entrepreneurs Part 1/4. If your French is a bit rusty, skip past the introduction to hear what Gates has to say about starting out as an entrepreneur.
  5. Part 1 of 9 – Secrets of Entrepreneurship Lecture.
    Listen to serial entrepreneur and triathlete, Mitch Thrower, as he
    talks about entrepreneurship in this first installment of a nine-part
  6. Warren Buffett MBA Talk – Part 1.
    Warren Buffett talks to MBA students about how integrity is more
    important than intellect and ability when it comes to success in
  7. Warren Buffett MBA Talk – Part 2. Buffett fields questions from the students in the second part of this series.
  8. Steve Jobs and Bill Gates Together: Part 1.
    Jobs and Gates discuss the attributes of the other that they respect
    most, which are also what made them successful entrepreneurs.
  9. Todd McFarlane on Entrepreneurship. McFarlane talks about the intersection of art and business.
  10. Sara Blakely, Speaker, Entrepreneur & Founder of SPANX. Blakely talks about her business and the road to becoming a successful entrepreneur.
  11. Michael Dell’s Advice to Entrepreneurs. Skip to 2:00 to find out what advice Dell has to offer to young entrepreneurs.
  12. Entrepreneur Carol Lee Anderson. Anderson talks about women entrepreneurs and what traits they have that makes them successful.
Noticias Septiembre 14, 2009

Emprendiendo desde Rosario Argentina – OAME

Los días 8
y 9 de Septiembre de 2009, convocados por la Organización Argentina de Empresarias de
, realizamos el seminario Emprendimiento y Oportunidades de la Web
, en la ciudad de Rosario en Argentina, orientado a descubrir
las (1) Oportunidades para el
Emprendimiento en la Web 2.0
, basado en una conversación en torno del (2)
Fenómeno del Emprendimiento, inspirada en la disciplina de comunicación desarrollada por Fernando Flores.

El punto
central fue producir en las participantes apertura y ambición por las oportunidades
existentes en las tecnologías disponibles en la web, como plataformas gratuitas
y de fácil uso para asociarse y posicionar la identidad de los emprendedores y
sus empresas. Clave fue la dinámica de conversaciones y ejercicios en torno de
la comunicación, el aprendizaje y los estados de ánimo para producir el

El seminario contó con la presencia de importantes líderes y representantes de la ciudad y la provincia.

destacable también la relación que se creó entre las participantes,
emprendedoras con diversas ocupaciones y trayectorias, que conformaron una
comunidad en torno del liderazgo de OAME.

tuvimos una interesante conversación con estudiantes de los cursos finales de
carreras empresariales de la Universidad Abierta Interamericana.

junto con celebrar la apertura e interés de las participantes, quería agradecer la acogida afectuosa y dedicada del equipo OAME, las empresarias Graciela Altomonte, Cecilia Binolfi, Balbina Rinaudo, Miriam Noemi,
y en especial al liderazgo de su Presidenta Nacional, Lidia